------ THE EVENT PAGE (#02-13-25) -------
Please note that all content on this site is presented without cost to you and is in the interest of entertainment and is not to be considered as advice. - #000
OLD MOTORCYCLES ... there is just something about an old motorcycle that catches our moto-eye, warms our moto-hearts, and makes us moto-grin...
A 1912 FLANDERS (above) ... In 1911, Walter E. Flanders established the brand with the goal of producing a modest priced motorcycle. His home base was Pontiac, Michigan.
483cc Four-Stroke Single producing 4 horsepower, driven with a belt drive, and finished in black as you see above.
It sold for?
Are you ready for this?
$175.00 - New.
Mr. Flanders also built automobiles and had been a major employee of Henry Ford prior...
FLANDERS ... 1911 - 1914
Just three short years. The motorcycle line was sold along with the automobile line to the Studebaker Co. Production stopped in 1914.
The example above is currently on display at the Motorcycle Museum in St. Francis, Kansas on Highway 36 ... if you are in the area, or even if you aren't, it is worth a look and see, it certainly was for me!
Just think, Old motorcycles were NEW ... once.
..........#000 (see you next Thursday)
Care to join our nationwide club? We've been thumpin' in the USA for 40 years. Click on the "MORE" above on the masthead, a drop box will drop down, click on the "MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION" and you are on your way ... simply complete the application, include the pittance made out in US funds to FSSNOC INC, and mail it to us via USPS at:
FSSNOC P.O.Box 1809, Hutchinson, Ks. 67504-1809
UPDATE FROM 02-06-25 ... that was today!
Maybe we should begin to call this the Arizona Page (?) ... here we are, another reference (photo was above) to the great warm masses of Arizona, which are particularly attractive to the rest of the USA right now due to the abundance of sunshine and warmer temps.
To be truthful, I did request a photo, and FSSNOC #2585 of North Dakota, did oblige, THANK YOU, DAVE! ... and I love that shot! Who doesn't enjoy viewing one of our favorite Thumpers, the KLR650 Kawasaki? And, add to that, it's in Arizona! Good stuff, thank you again, Dave ... send another anytime?
What about you? Are you thumpin' in a warm climate these early months of 2025? If so, fire us a photo and we'll plan to post it here on the ThumperGarage for those of us who are marooned and harpooned a few hundred miles too far north ... email your photo to: [email protected] Thank You in advance, eh?
(Update from 01-30-25 ... last week )
AIN'T SHE PRETTY? (was the photo above - KLR230 Kawasaki)
Read about this machine in Thumper News #158, coming to a mailbox at the end of your driveway...
UPDATE #01-16-25...
Plan now to attend the FSSNOC MEMBERS ONLY ROUND-UP AT THE TRAILS END CAFE LATER THIS YEAR (August 20, 2025 - a Wednesday) ...
LEARN MORE ABOUT IT IN THUMPER NEWS #158, coming to a mailbox near you in FEBRUARY ...
MAKE PLANS NOW TO ATTEND ... IF you are a current member.
If you are not, you might want to make a change in your life ... see the Membership Application Page ... to become one of us ... a FSSNOCer. It costs less than a cup of coffee to belong for a week ... what are you waiting on? Make it happen today:
P. O. Box 1809
Hutchinson, Kansas 67504-1809
$100.00 for a 12 month hitch, wall to wall and tree-top tall!
Talk to us at: [email protected] by email or text us at: 1-620-663-1869 or write us on paper at:
FSSNOC P.O. Box 1809, Hutchinson, Kansas (the Post Office doesn't recognize us as ThumperVille) at zip code 67504-1809 ... don't be shy, don't be a stranger!
Tell your friends about our club, invite them to view this website each week for free, it's our gift to the motorcycling world!
Truth, as a reminder, those yellow $100 FSSNOC membership applications that you have lying there on your dresser, should you come upon a potential FSSNOC member, make it a point to hand that person one of those aforementioned yellow applications, eh? It's easy, it works ... I've done it many times and you can do it as well...
To all, have an awesome week, wear a club t-shirt this week, see you next week, we update on Thursday evening after dinner, enjoy that recliner ... BUT NOT TOO MUCH!
Wherever You Go,
Leave ... THUMPER-TRAX! - #000.